Let me tell you I was shocked. I've been watching some of favorite movies, again - for the first time! I can not believe what all I was missing.
Cam had his first "big person" hearing test last week. Its the first hearing test with truly accurate results.
His hearing loss is almost identical to mine. It shocked me actually. I was comparing his to mine and I got confused as to which was which. I had to look closely to keep it strait.
On a good note though nothings changed. (I'm always afraid he might lose hearing.) Not this time though, Thank Heavens.
We got Cam's IEP set up for next year and met with his 1st grade teacher. I think she is going to be fantabulas (my own created word there). That was an adventure all in its self. As the head of the special education department from the Board of Education said "We have a delightful problem with Cam, he doesn't qualify for services." Crazy I know, but its like his hearing is a disadvantage not a disability. His hearing is the disability which causes him to be at a disadvantage which qualifies him. Crazy yeah.
I thought it was hysterical that I had to get a hearing test to "prove" he was hearing impaired. I guess the hearing aids in his ears wasn't proof enough.
Anyone seen the new movie Knowing? Not giving away anything here, but the little boy character in the movie was hearing impaired and wore a hearing aid. Too Cute. Odd but facinating movie. I think it was the hearing impaired little boy with a hearing aid that I loved so much. :)
I was the same myself I discovered when I started using subtitles watching DVD's. There is a particular DVD in my collection I like and can watch over and over again, as nicely done. I've seen it twice and watched it just by listening.There was a certain part of the film I could never hear both occasions.
But when I watched it for a third time using subtitles, I discovered there was lots more that I thought I followed ok, but realised I did not. I always watch anything with subtitles now.
Thanks for your comment. Yes, I have discovered new meanings to lots of movies. Wow, how odd to think I was following it, but was actually not...
I used to find it helpful to watch videos a second time. Using subtitles/captions I don't have to now!
I will have to check out Knowing. I haven't seen it. Thanks for the recommendation.
All the best,
P.S. Good to hear from you again. I missed you.
Wow Amy,
I just stumbled upon your blog by happenstance, more or less. My situation is almost exactly the same as yours, as I have bilateral 85dB loss, wear hearing aids, but do not know sign language. I function just as you do, with some mix of hearing, lip reading, guessing, and whatever other tools I can use. I do not have a child yet, but with one on the way I wait and wonder if s/he will share my impairment (the cause of my own is more or less unknown). I will begin to check your blog occassionally and am sure I'll see you commenting on many of the same "discoveries" that I've made along the way. Take care,
Nothing beats watching dvds and finding out what was really all said thanks to closed captioning..
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